
Our technology

HEXtraSENSE: our proprietary capacitive-based high proximity sensing technology for human-robot collaboration, optimized to sense humans’ proximity to potentially dangerous robots.


Core applications

HEXtraSENSE is the “building block” to create no-contact safe and high-range auras to cover:
(1) robots, (2) grippers & tools,
(3) AGV, etc., or to create: (4) no-entrance volume/cages.

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Our mission

Revolutionize your company and workplace with the HEXtraSENSE technology to improve safety, control, collaboration, and human-robot interaction.

novel paradigm, where humans and robots are members of the same team, can be possible through the integration of novel technologies capable of covering any non-regular surface to provide a robust and reliable awareness of the surrounding environment.High-range proximity detection is limited by the current technologies, that are capable of providing just a few centimeters of “safe” proximity range (i.e., pre-contact information). Our goal is to develop a LOW-COST, MODULAR and EASY-TO-USE technology optimized for interacting with human beings at a high distance range in both private and working environments.


HEXtraSENSE is not affected by dust, smoke, or light conditions and can be integrated / insulated in several materials for protection.

Human presence and proximity can be detected even in the presence of interposed objects. No need to worry about line-of-sight, blind corners, or hidden targets.

Not only robotics and safety: HEXtraSENSE is a plug-and-play, scalable, programmable IoT-connected technology, suitable for various needs, such as contactless wireless switches.